Get Specific With Your Brand

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I get it. Effectively communicating what our business offers can be tricky.

It's easy to find ourselves saying things that make sense to us but might as well be written in hieroglyphs for our clients.

The result? A gap between what we say we do and what clients think we do.

Which is a problem when we're trying to attract clients we want to work with.

Luckily there's an easy solution.

It's called the StoryBrand Framework by Donald Miller.

It shows us step-by-step how to best communicate our services and benefits to potential clients. And all it takes is answering a few straightforward questions:

  • What specific problem do your clients face? Tell your clients the problems they're facing right now. By doing so, you show you understand them, giving them confidence in the solution you offer.
  • What unique solution do you offer? Clearly spell out how your service solves their problem. This should be in plain language, grounded in reality, not obscured by industry jargon.
  • What are the results clients can expect by chooses your solution? Describe the transformation your clients when they choose your service. It can be as simple as saved time, reduced stress, increased revenue, or business growth.

In identifying the problem, solution, and results clearly, you not only give clients a solid understanding of what you do but also how it directly benefits them.

By being specific, you help clients easily determine if what you offer meets what they're searching for.

This not only make your business more understandable—it makes it more relatable because clients see you understand the problem they're facing. Making the value your business provides obvious.

It's not just about making yourself heard—it's about making sure your message is understood.

Tanner Garniss-Marsh takes the guesswork out of branding, helping leaders grow their business with branding they and their customers love.


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