What's Your Brand Promise?

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A brand is a promise.
It's the promise you make to your customers about what they can expect from your product or service.
It's also the promise you make to yourself about the kind of company you want to create and how you want to be perceived in the world.
Brands aren't built overnight. They're the result of years of hard work and dedication — and they're built on trust and consistency with your customers.
What's more, brands are fragile things that are easily damaged by mistakes and poor management over time. That's why it's so important to create a brand strategy early on before investing any money into marketing or advertising — even before launching an idea out into the world for feedback.
A brand strategy helps you define who your target customer is, what problem you're trying to solve for them and how you'll go about doing it. The strategy should also include how you're going to position yourself in relation to competitors and how you'll communicate this positioning internally (and externally) at every touch point with prospects, current customers and partners along their journey with your business — whether through emails, social media posts or blog articles published on industry websites like this one!
Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for a while, it’s essential to develop a brand strategy. If you don't, your business will be vulnerable to competitors who do. And without a strategy that clearly defines who your target customer is, what problem you're trying to solve for them and how you'll go about doing it — along with how you'll position yourself relative to competitors and communicate this positioning at every touch point with prospects, current customers and partners along their journey with your business — then the odds are stacked against you.
Successful brands are intentional, strategic, and well planned. Good design is also key in creating a brand that will help your business thrive. And as you get further down the road, things such as consistency become even more important to keep your brand strong.