Zana Jalal Realty

Brand design for a real estate agent wanting to stand apart from the competition.

Brand Identity Design | Branded Materials
Zana Jalal, a real estate agent, sought a unique brand identity design, including a logo, colour palette, and typography, to set them apart from competitors in the area. The design process involved researching local competition, analyzing the target market, and conducting an interview with the client to discuss their goals. Mood boarding was used to visualize the desired brand direction, guiding the creation of the brand.

The final logo, inspired by the client's openness and friendly nature, featured a house positioned in the negative space surrounded by round lines. This design, along with the chosen colour palette and typography, was applied to various materials such as business cards, signage, and digital assets. The final outcome provided the client a distinct brand identity that allowed him to stand out in the market and effectively communicate the values he offers to potential clients.

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