That Gut Feeling

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With branding, few things are more essential than communication. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about what your customers feel. That gut feeling? That’s your brand in the hearts of your audience.

Let's start with a straightforward idea: your brand isn't what you declare it to be; it's what your customers perceive it to be. If there’s a mismatch between these two, it’s likely because your communication is off the mark. And let's be honest, no one wants that.

So, how do you get it right?

First things first, clarify what your brand stands for. Write it down. Keep it simple. No jargon. Take Nike, for instance. They stand for inspiring and innovating every athlete in the world, and they define 'athlete' broadly: anyone with a body. Clear, right?

Next step: convey your message thoughtfully, both visually and verbally. Don’t just say what you represent; show it. Nike does this brilliantly without always spelling it out. Their campaigns, especially 'Play New', celebrate everyday people trying new sports—not just the superstars. This approach resonates with everyone who feels like an athlete.

You don’t need a million-dollar ad budget to make this strategy work. Applying these principles to your digital presence, like your website or social media, can be just as impactful. Think about who you want to reach and use visuals and language that speak directly to them.

Consider a bakery that prides itself on high-quality, affordable baked goods. The language it uses should evoke freshness and tastiness, while great photography should make you feel like you can almost taste the pastries.

Ultimately, effective branding strips away the unnecessary and focuses on authenticity. The more cluttered with colours, flashy graphics, and technical jargon your brand is, the less likely it is to resonate with your audience.

In essence, know what your brand stands for, then communicate it in a way that’s undeniably clear and relatable. That’s the hallmark of strong branding. It aligns perception with reality, ensuring your audience not only understands your message but is also moved by it.

Tanner Garniss-Marsh takes the guesswork out of branding, helping leaders grow their business with branding they and their customers love.


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